The Big
The Bold
The Bald
Born in Pennsylvania, he grew up all over California, Texas, Arizona and Nevada. He has traveled all over the United States, Canada, Mexico, Polynesia and Ireland. His interests are entertaining, performing, reading, creative writing, movies, family and exploring "lost" locations for fun.
Born in Central California, he learned to be creative at an early age, keeping himself entertained through exploration, roller-skating and punk rock drumming. He is an avid hiker, explorer, gamer and designer. He loves having a good time, but hates people. He's the all-around nicest guy.
Having spent most of his life in the small town of Mount Shasta in Northern California, he took the opportunity and jumped to live in Las Vegas and then Los Angeles. He was in a famous music group, meeting all the stars and toured all over the world. If its challenging he will want to join in.
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